Scientific Research Grant Recipient

The ARC project is the recipient of a Scientific Research and Experimental Development Grant from Revenue Canada. SR&ED.

After a thorough review by Revenue-Canada, including audits and onsite inspections by and It's science advisors with the National Research Council of Canada, NRC, the ARC rescue craft project was approved for the grant.

The Grant funding comes in the form of an annual 35% tax credit on all SR&ED work done on the ARC. If the grant money is not received as a tax credit, the 35% of the capital invested in its research and development is invoiced to Revenue-Canada and becomes a receivable for the company.

Capital Requirements

I would like to sell 49% of Precision Environmental Services Inc for the amount of $300,000. This money will not go to me personally but will go towards financing the company in its final run-up to production and marketing of the ARC. Should this cash infusion and the new share holder(s) in the Company bring with it a professional management team that would be wonderful, but if the funding arranged comes without a manager, then I will carry on as the interim manager myself. One of the first orders of business will be, to enhance the team by adding the right carefully selected manager for this business.

I remain open to your suggestions.

Thanks for your time.

Bob Wilson

Tidal Wave

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Finance, Venture Capital, Startup Funding, Tax Credit, Capital, Angel Investors, Funding, Entrepreneur, VC, Investment Opportunity, Invention, Seed Capital